Duke is retiring
After a long year of travel, and many incredible adventures Duke is heading home for a rest.
This page will be archived in 2025, but we would still love to hear your stories – if you have something to share let us know at dofe@aucklandchallenge.org.nz
I’m Duke, the DofE Chimp

You may remember my predecessor,
Funky Monkey used to travel with participants on Auckland Challenge journeys, and at night participant’s would make monkey fists (if you went on a journey with us: have you still got yours?).
Now I’m setting off on my own journey
My goal is to connect everyone who has a connection to the Award and collect their Award Stories by hitchhiking around New Zealand! I can only be passed between people who have some connection to the Award and I want to see how far I can go!

You can follow my journey on Instagram
How can you help my journey?
I am travelling between people who have an affiliation with The Award, if you are in some way affiliated with the Award and you meet me then please:
- Scan it and fill in the linked form with your name, where I am now and your Award Story or memory along with a photo of me either with you or in a place meaningful to your Award or you. Alternatively upload a photo from your Award activities.
- Find the QR code attached to me
- I will post your photo and Award Story on my Instagram to document my journey between people and around New Zealand
- Find another person affiliated with the Award and pass me on so I can travel somewhere else
Frequently Asked Questions
Duke is passed between people who have a connection to the Award. As each person receives Duke we hope they will upload a photo and Award Story to the linked form so that these can be collated in Duke’s Instagram page to share with the wider community.
What do I do when I get Duke?
Duke has a QR code attached to them, when you receive Duke take a photo with Duke somewhere meaningful to you or your Award and upload this along with your Award Story in the form linked in the QR code. Instead of a photo with Duke you can also upload a photo from your Award. This photo and your story will then be posted on Duke’s Instagram to collect Award stories.
I can’t scan the QR code
That’s OK, you can fill in Duke’s Journal here: https://aucklandchallenge.org.nz/dofechimp/dukes-journal/
Who can I give Duke to?
Duke can be passed between anyone with a connection to the Award, this could be past and present participants, parents, leaders, Award staff, volunteers, Assessors, activity providers, or anyone who has benefitted from the Award including people who have had participants complete service for.
In short, if they can be linked to the Award Duke can travel with them!
What if I don’t know anyone else with a connection to the Award?
If you’ve got Duke and can’t find anyone to pass them on to please email dofechimp@aucklandchallenge.org.nz or send us a message through Duke’s Instagram account and we will help you find the next step in Duke’s journey.
Do I have to be part of Auckland Challenge?
No! We want to collect memories from anyone involved with the Award anywhere in New Zealand regardless of your Award Unit!
How can I follow Duke?
You can follow Duke through their Instagram account @dofechimp, we are also posting with #dofechimp
Can I keep Duke?
Unfortunately no, we want Duke to visit as many people as possible so Duke needs to keep travelling we ask that you don’t hold on to Duke for too long before the next stage in their journey
Why is Auckland Challenge doing this?
2023 marks 25 years of operation for Auckland Challenge and 60 years of The Award in New Zealand, to celebrate we are sending Duke around to collect the stories of people who have received an impact from The Award so that these can be shared with the wider community to celebrate past participants, volunteers and leaders as well as bringing more people to be involved with The Award.
Is Duke being tracked / can I be tracked if I have Duke?
No. Duke has no ability to be tracked, the only location information we collect is what you provide when you will in Duke’s travel journal.