The Adventurous Journey section is split into three parts: Preparation and Training, a Practice Journey and a Qualifying Journey. Adventurous Journeys are different lengths depending on your Award level and there are two types of Journey to choose from. Journeys can take multiple forms – urban, bush, water, cycling, walking, horse riding and kayaking are just a few types of journey you could do.
The Preparation and Training covers the things you need to know for your journeys including how to plan and prepare for a journey, navigation, survival and leadership skills. You are required to do training at each level of the Award as each level introduces new concepts and build on previous skill.

You can do this training through Auckland Challenge or another outdoor provider endorsed by The Award. You can also complete Bronze Training online at
The Practice Journey is used to ensure you have sufficient knowledge to safely complete your Qualifying Journey. On your Practice Journey you will build on the skills you learned in the training, improve your leadership and team building and make sure you are ready for your Qualifying Journey

Under the Award’s COVID-19 adaptations the Practice Journey can be waived at your leader’s discretion. Please speak with your leader if you need this applied to your Award
The Qualifying Journey is the final journey of your level, on the Qualifying Journey your instructor will step back slightly allowing you and your team to have greater independence and control over the journey using the skills and learning from the Practice Journey. On your Qualifying Journey you and your team are expected to be self-sufficient and independent.
At the end of the journey you are required to present a report on your development, learnings and experience. This can be oral, written, a video or any other format you choose! Find out more about writing a report

What you need to do

Online or a day course
2 days, 1 night
2 days, 1 night

Day course
Minimum: 2 days, 1 night
3 days, 2 nights

Day course
Minimum: 2 days, 1 night
4 days, 3 nights
Practice journeys are a minimum of 2 days and 1 night, we may require you to complete additional and/or longer practice journeys or training in order to ensure your safety if we believe you need additional experience, or you are completing a higher risk journey.

Types of Journey
An Expedition is a journey with a purpose. In an Expedition, the primary focus is on the journeying, where around two thirds of the purposeful effort must be spent journeying. The remaining third should be spent on activity.
An Exploration is a purpose with a journey. In an Exploration, the primary focus is to observe and collect information relevant to the purpose. More time and effort is spent on this, with less time getting from one place to another.
Where you can do a journey
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has a large range of Journey providers, you can do your Journey with any Approved Activity Provider or Award Unit- a full list of approved providers can be found on the DofE website.
You are also able to organise your own journey if you have a group of 4-7 participants. For more information on how to organise your own journey come to an Open Award Center or email our expedition coordinator
Before you start any activity for your Award, including Journeys and Residential it MUST be uploaded into your Online Record Book and sent for approval before you start. If an activity is not approved before you begin the activity you CANNOT count it for your Award.
For more information on Adventurous Journeys contact Gemma: