For information and queries about our COVID-19 response please email

Practice Journey Exemption

In some circumstances we are able to waive the requirement for you to do a Practice Journey, If you wish to have this applied to your Award please email There are some requirements that have to be met for this to be available to you:

  • You CANNOT be a direct entrant
  • You MUST have completed all previous Award Levels prior to the one you are applying for an exemption for
  • You MUST have completed your Preparation and Training
  • We will waive the Practice Journey ONLY if we are satisfied you can safely complete a Qualifying Journey and that you have retained and can apply sufficient knowledge from your training
  • Applications for an exemption are at Auckland Challenge’s sole discretion, where we do not believe it appropriate we will not apply it to your Award
  • We strongly encourage you to do a Practice Journey if you can.

Auckland Challenge’s operations

RSVPs are compulsory for Open Award Centers, you can RSVP for your chosen center via the Open Award Centers page.

Following the repeal of the COVID-19 Protection Framework Auckland Challenge can operate normally with a few adaptions these are:

  • Events may be postponed or cancelled if the person responsible for that activity becomes unwell
  • RSVPs are required for all Open Award Centers
  • Masks are encouraged but not compulsory at Open Award Centers

Award Adaptations

The Award regularly reviews the current environment and allows adaptations to The Award for participants who may be struggling. Please note, these adaptations should only be used if your planned activities cannot go ahead AND you are unable to find an alternative. Please contact us to have an adaption applied to your Award. For the list of adaptations and full information around The Award’s COVID response please see The Award’s website

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