Auckland Challenge works with other Recognised Activity Providers to bring you a range of journeys, you can find out about upcoming journeys from our partners below.
This page contains information both on how these partners can help your Award, as well as information on subsidies and discounts available to Auckland Challenge Participants

Our Partners

AdventureWorks is an accredited provider of the Adventurous Journey section of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award. We offer reliable, safe and well organised events that engage students and leave them excited to carry on to the next level! All of our events are managed according to our safety management system which is independently audited. Our instructors are qualified, enthusiastic and fantastic at what they do. All of our events are supported with a personalised service from our dedicated program coordinator.
Enrolment Information
You will need to enrol for AdventureWorks journeys directly through the booking form linked on each journey.
Payment information for each journey will be listed in the journey description. For some journeys you will be charged directly, for others Auckland Challenge will send you an invoice.
Website: https://www.adventureworks.co.nz
Contact: dofe@adventureworks.co.nz
Upcoming Journeys
This section shows upcoming journeys organised by AdventureWorks in collaboration with Auckland Challenge. These journeys have been arranged for Auckland Challenge and may include: discounted pricing, other benefits, or be exclusive to Auckland Challenge participants.
Two-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey: A hands-on, combined experience in the bush, where students will develop and practice new skills while enjoying the great […]
Five-Day Epic Gold Qualifying Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksFive-Day Epic Gold Qualifying Journey: A thrilling, extended adventure anywhere in the North Island, offering students the ultimate test of endurance, skill, and an unforgettable, […]
Four-Day Gold Qualifying Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksFour-Day Gold Qualifying Journey: A fun and exciting expedition planned by the students! This journey can take the students anywhere within a 4-hour radius of […]
Two-Day Gold Training & Practice Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Gold Training & Practice Journey: A dynamic and challenging adventure in the bush where students will test and sharpen their skills in the outdoors
Three-Day Silver Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksThree-Day Silver Journey: This adventure can serve as both Silver Training and Practice Journey, or as a SilverQualifying Journey, offering students an immersive and rewarding […]
Two-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey: A hands-on, combined experience in the bush, where students will develop and practice new skills while enjoying the great […]
Bronze Training day
This journey is run by AdventureWorksBronze Training day: Held at our Avondale base, this training will equip students with the essential skills they need for their journey.
Two-Day Bronze Adventure
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Bronze Adventure: This journey can be used as either a Practice Journey or a Qualifying Journey, providing a hands-on experience in the great outdoors
Two-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Silver Training & Practice Journey: A hands-on, combined experience in the bush, where students will develop and practice new skills while enjoying the great […]
Two-Day Gold Training & Practice Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksTwo-Day Gold Training & Practice Journey: A dynamic and challenging adventure in the bush where students will test and sharpen their skills in the outdoors
Bronze Training day
This journey is run by AdventureWorksBronze Training day: Held at our Avondale base, this training will equip students with the essential skills they need for their journey.
Three-Day Silver Journey
This journey is run by AdventureWorksThree-Day Silver Journey: This adventure can serve as both Silver Training and Practice Journey, or as a SilverQualifying Journey, offering students an immersive and rewarding […]
Subsidies and Funding
Auckland Challenge works with AdventureWorks to bring discounted journeys and subsidies. This will be marked with a series of letters after each journey:
[F] The journey is free if:
- You are enrolled in Auckland Challenge Inc | MYD, Auckland Challenge Inc | FN, Auckland Challenge Inc | SPORTNZ, or South Auckland | FF (contract participants); AND
- You need the journey to complete your Award; AND
- You have not already used all the funding available to you on other journeys
[D] AdventureWorks has discounted this journey
- The advertised price is a discounted price from AdventureWorks
- You will pay the discounted price
[S] This journey has been subsidised by Auckland Challenge
- Auckland Challenge has worked to subsidise the cost of this journey in addition to the advertised price.
- You will pay the advertised price minus any subsidies
- Eligibility and subsidy amount will be listed in each Journey’s description
Auckland Sea Kayaks

Auckland Sea Kayaks specialise in marine-based journeys for all levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. We use a progression model that trains, educates and empowers students to explore the outdoors safely and independently.
Enrolment Information
You will need to enrol for Auckland Sea Kayaks journeys directly through the booking form linked on each journey.
Payment information for each journey will be listed in the journey description. For some journeys you will be charged directly, for others Auckland Challenge will send you an invoice.
Website: https://aucklandseakayaks.co.nz
Contact: Nic Mead, info@aucklandseakayaks.co.nz
Upcoming Journeys
This section shows upcoming journeys organised by Auckland Sea Kayaks in collaboration with Auckland Challenge. These journeys have been arranged for Auckland Challenge and may include: discounted pricing, other benefits, or be exclusive to Auckland Challenge participants.
Bronze training, practice and qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
5-Day Sail & Kayak Adventure
This journey is run by the New Zealand Sailing Trust in partnership with Auckland Sea Kayaks Get ready for an awesome five-day sail and kayak adventure around the Hauraki Gulf! […]
Gold training and practice
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Bronze training and practice
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Bronze Qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Silver training and practice
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Silver training, practice and qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Gold qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Gold training, practice and qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland Sea Kayaks does specialize in Duke of Edinburgh training and expeditions. This journey covers all the requirements for GOLD award adventurous […]
Gold Residential Project – 5 days
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Participants have the opportunity to share a purposeful experience with people who are not their usual companions and work towards a common […]
Bronze training, practice and qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Silver qualifying
This journey is run by Auckland Sea Kayaks Auckland is one of the world’s most unique sea kayaking locations. It is a region of exceptional natural beauty, volcanic islands, sandy […]
Subsidies and Funding
Auckland Challenge works with Auckland Sea Kayaks to bring discounted journeys and subsidies. This will be marked with a series of letters after each journey:
[F] The journey is free if:
- You are enrolled in Auckland Challenge Inc | MYD, Auckland Challenge Inc | FN, Auckland Challenge Inc | SPORTNZ, or South Auckland | FF (contract participants); AND
- You need the journey to complete your Award; AND
- You have not already used all the funding available to you on other journeys
[D] Auckland Sea Kayaks has discounted this journey
- The advertised price is a discounted price from Auckland Sea Kayaks
- You will pay the discounted price
[S] This journey has been subsidised by Auckland Challenge
- Auckland Challenge has worked to subsidise the cost of this journey in addition to the advertised price.
- You will pay the advertised price minus any subsidies
- Eligibility and subsidy amount will be listed in each Journey’s description
NZ Sailing Trust

At the New Zealand Sailing Trust, we offer transformative sailing experiences. Our programmes focus on developing essential life skills such as communication, respect, teamwork, and leadership aboard world-class yachts. Participants gain confidence, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the ocean while overcoming challenges and forming lifelong memories.
Enrolment Information
You will need to enrol for NZ Sailing Trust directly through the booking form linked on each journey.
Payment information for each journey will be listed in the journey description. For some journeys you will be charged directly, for others Auckland Challenge will send you an invoice.
Website: https://www.nzsailingtrust.com/
Contact: info@nzsailingtrust.com
Upcoming Journeys
This section shows upcoming journeys organised by the New Zealand Sailing Trust in collaboration with Auckland Challenge. These journeys have been arranged for Auckland Challenge and may include: discounted pricing, other benefits, or be exclusive to Auckland Challenge participants.
5-Day Sail & Kayak Adventure
This journey is run by the New Zealand Sailing Trust in partnership with Auckland Sea Kayaks Get ready for an awesome five-day sail and kayak adventure around the Hauraki Gulf! […]
5 Day Sailing Journey
This journey is run by the New Zealand Sailing TrustEmbark on a transformative sailing journey through the stunning Hauraki Gulf, where you'll explore breathtaking natural landscapes and develop a deeper […]
5 Day All Female Sailing and Kayaking Journey
This journey is run by the New Zealand Sailing Trust in partnership with Auckland Sea Kayaks Designed specifically for young women aged 14-18, this immersive 5-day experience centers on personal […]
Subsidies and Funding
Auckland Challenge works with the NZ Sailing Trust to bring discounted journeys and subsidies. This will be marked with a series of letters after each journey:
[F] The journey is free if:
- You are enrolled in Auckland Challenge Inc | MYD, Auckland Challenge Inc | FN, Auckland Challenge Inc | SPORTNZ, or South Auckland | FF (contract participants); AND
- You need the journey to complete your Award; AND
- You have not already used all the funding available to you on other journeys
[D] NZ Sailing Trust has discounted this journey
- The advertised price is a discounted price from the NZ Sailing Trust
- You will pay the discounted price
[S] This journey has been subsidised by Auckland Challenge
- Auckland Challenge has worked to subsidise the cost of this journey in addition to the advertised price.
- You will pay the advertised price minus any subsidies
- Eligibility and subsidy amount will be listed in each Journey’s description
The Spirit of Adventure Trust

An empowering and life changing opportunity, a voyage on Spirit of New Zealand will empower you to become whoever you want to be.
This programme is the best way to up your courage, unlock your potential, learn leadership, courage, resilience and make lifelong friends. Start your adventure today.
Enrolment Information
You will need to enrol for Spirit of Adventure journeys directly through the booking form linked on each journey.
Payment information for each journey will be listed in the journey description. For some journeys you will be charged directly, for others Auckland Challenge will send you an invoice.
How the Spirit fits in with your Award
The Spirit of Adventure runs both 5 and 10 day voyages, this means they can count for several activities for your Award. The Spirit of Adventure will count for:
5 day Discovery Voyage
- Bronze & Silver Level
- Practice & Qualifying
- Gold Level
- Practice
- Qualifying
- Residential
10 day Development Voyage
- Bronze & Silver Level
- Practice & Qualifying
- Gold Level
- Training*, Practice & Qualifying
- Practice & Residential
- Qualifying & Residential
- The Spirit of Adventure will only count for training at GOLD level, and you are using it for both journeys.
Website: https://www.spiritofadventure.org.nz
Contact: info@soat.org.nz
Upcoming Journeys
This section shows upcoming journeys organised by the Spirit of Advnture in collaboration with Auckland Challenge.
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
This journey is run by the Spirit of Adventure Trust On Spirit, you’ll improve your communication and leadership skills and learn the importance of self-awareness and being a part of […]
Subsidies and Funding
The Spirit of Adventure regularly provides Auckland Challenge with discounted pricing for our participants. Eligibility for this discounted pricing will be listed in each journey’s description. Other discounts and subsidies are marked with a series of letters after each journey’s name
[C] Auckland Challenge will provide a contribution towards the journey if:
- You are enrolled in Auckland Challenge Inc | MYD, Auckland Challenge Inc | FN, Auckland Challenge Inc | SPORTNZ, or South Auckland | FF (contract participants); AND
- You need the journey to complete your Award; AND
- You have not already used all the funding available to you on other journeys
- Please speak with your Award Leader regarding the available contribution
[D] The Spirit of Adventure Trust has discounted this journey
- The advertised price is a discounted price from the Spirit of Adventure
- You will pay the discounted price
- Any eligibility requirements are listed in the journey description
[S] This journey has been subsidised by Auckland Challenge
- Auckland Challenge has worked to subsidise the cost of this journey in addition to the advertised price.
- You will pay the advertised price minus any subsidies
- Eligibility and subsidy amount will be listed in each Journey’s description
[R] This journey has spaces that have been reserved for Auckland Challenge
- The Spirit of Adventure Trust has reserved spaces for Auckland Challenge
- You will pay either a discounted price or deposit
- These spaces have eligibility criteria. Please refer to each journey’s description
The Spirit of Adventure Trust regularly provides Auckland Challenge with reserved spaces on journeys. These spaces normally have specific eligibility requirements and are marked with an [R].
- You will pay a discounted price or contribution only
- You must meet the eligibility requirements listed in each journey’s description
- These reserved places are limited
- You may need to complete a scholarship application from the Spirit of Adventure
- You MUST be registered under an Auckland Challenge controlled Award Unit
If you would like to register your interest for one of the reserved places, please fill in the below form. This will allow us to contact you when a place becomes available. This will not guarantee you a place.