In this newsletter we have some important updates about the Award's criteria to share as well as upcoming journeys

Hi All,

We hope you are progressing well through your Award as the end of the year approaches. In this newsletter we have some important updates about the Award's criteria to share as well as upcoming journeys

Changes to Award Criteria

The Award recently made some changes to the criteria - particularly for direct entrants, read on to find out more


Journey requirements for direct entrants 

The requirement for direct entrants to complete additional trainings and practices has been removed. This means you only need to do 1 training session and two journeys per level.


Practice journey lengths

The length requirement for a Practice journey is now a minimum of 2 days and 1 night at all levels for all participants. The length of the Qualifying journey remains unchanged.



Please Note: The reduced Practice journey length and removal of additional Training/Practices for Direct entrants is a MINIMUM requirement, you may still be required to complete longer Practice Journeys or additional training depending on your skill level and risk of your journey. Please contact to find out how these changes affect you

COVID-19 Adaptations

The period to apply for any COVID-19 adaptations ends on the 31st of December. In order to keep a Practice exception you must complete your Qualifying journey before the 31st of January. Email for more information

Upcoming Journeys

We have some kayaking journeys coming up over the December/January period they are:


Bronze kayaking: 15-16th December, $178 (includes $100 discount)


Silver kayaking: 15-17 December, $319 (includes $100 discount)


The above journeys are run by the amazing team at Auckland Sea Kayaks and all Auckland Challenge participants receive a $100 discount! You must complete training prior to your journey. 



Silver Training: 5th December, $90. Join us for your Silver Training in Mt Albert to get all the preparation you need for your journey.  


Bronze Online Training:

Keep In Contact & Logging

The Award has recently updated their website and they now have some great resources available including general resources and ORB guides. Make sure you have a look.


If you need any help, you can contact us at you can also make an online appointment with us.


As always we really enjoy hearing your stories and seeing your photos, make sure you send your Award Journey to us and follow our Facebook and Instagram to keep up with information about The Award!

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