Merry Christmas from Auckland Challenge, Here is the latest news about your DofE!

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas. It has been a difficult year but it has been amazing watching all the progress you have made through your Award and your personal development. We would like to congratulate everyone who completed their Award this year - and to everyone else, you're almost there!

We have a few updates we would like to share with you to finish off the year.

Christmas Hours

The Auckland Challenge office will be closed from the 24th of December until the 10th of January, there may be delays in responding to your queries during this time.

COVID Adaptations

The DofE COVID-19 Adaptations largely come to an end on the 31st of December, this means your Award should go back to almost normal. For more information around the COVID adaptations visit the DofE website If you want to apply for any of the adaptations make sure you get in contact with us before our office closes on the 24th.

Heading in to 2022

Looking into 2022 Auckland Challenge is working on transitioning to a more digital delivery, this includes our new Virtual Open Award Centers for meeting with you (thanks to the participants who have helped trial them this year). Our in-person Open Award Centers will continue running, and we expect them to resume in early February. 


Please make sure you are on our Facebook and Instagram pages to keep up with details and information about the Award


We look forward to being able to continue working with you all next year, and as always, if you need any help feel free to email Kathryn -

2021 Award Completions

Stay Safe, and have a Happy Christmas.

From the Auckland Challenge Team.

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